Onam is celebrated by Keralites as the home coming of Mahabali, the king under whose rule ‘all men were equal, no one was poor and there was no theft or dread of thieves’. The sales figures of alcoholic beverages in the State during the season yet again proved parity among people with rich and poor contributing to a whopping 135 crore sales revenue by both Beverages Corporation and Consumer fed in a single week.
The Communist Government in the State may see this as a step towards achieving their Socialist objectives.
The Communist Government in the State may see this as a step towards achieving their Socialist objectives.

I got this humble thought of a typical ‘Onappookkalam’ using flowers getting replaced with a contemporary ‘kalam’ which depicts the meaning of Onam (more appropriately) such as this one in the coming years when I saw this picture forwarded by a friend.
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