Seeing the glow in her eyes, I changed the ‘what is it’ look on my face to that of awe and said,
“Wow! It’s wonderful. Did you make this?”
She gracefully accepted my compliment and replied with charm, “Yes, For you!”
The carry bag made of gift-wrappers was seen changing places for a week to enjoy short stints on top of dressing table, DVD player and fish tank, the display spots which she thought were strategic in capturing attention in the house till it was abandoned on top of the fridge with the arrival of a kite she made at her craft class.
The meaning of work is more about having the excitement and creativity you would show at your work as a first grader rather than what you do. There are many who see work as repetitive and routine. Complaining about work gives a positive reinforcement to the feeling of monotony and leads to a frustrating experience. A change in perception can make your mundane tasks monumental if you are prepared for that. All work has meaning and all work can make a difference. This is a simple and time tested formula for those who want to stay happy with work and life.
Anything with predictability ceases to be challenging for many. This is part of human nature. You are doing the same work which you once found exciting. Over the time, a pattern of work sets in without your conscious effort. Now, you are clearer on where you are heading to. Learn to accept the rhythm and bring in creativity and innovation to experience variety at work.
Brainstorming techniques are used by businesses to foster innovation and often produces amazing results. Have a holistic approach to work. Treat your work or task at hand as a business unit and think of means to improvise your methods to do it. Do not loose focus on other functional areas overlapping with yours. It doesn’t hurt to have your process making significant contribution to other areas as well and not limiting to yours.
Why is it important to be passionate about work?
The work you do reflect on you. The Company and the project you are working for speak a lot about what you are and how you think at that point of time. The passion and commitment you bring to work is the brand you build at the workplace. It is a measure of how alive and engaged are you at work. When your work is counted, you are counted. Your self esteem goes up. Meaningful work is a prerequisite for a fulfilling life.